Maggie Moose
Maggie Moose crossed the rainbow bridge on March 6th 2024 after a long and happy life. She was 14 years old. We got Maggie, an Old English Sheepdog, at 8 weeks as a prospective show dog. She didn’t care for the grooming, so we retired her at 1 year old. She was fixed and settled down to the life of a pampered pooch. She was my heart dog and went everywhere with me that I could take her, and we had many great adventures over the years. When we lived in Traverse City we used to go for long off-leash walks in the woods that were on a friend’s property. She did instant recall so I had no worries that she would run off, though she did like to chase squirrels and deer. I would call her back when I saw deer. One day, however, she darted into the undergrowth and then I saw the big white tails and heard stomping that signaled startled deer beyond the bushes. A moment later Maggie came running back out at full speed and all but crashed into me, clearly scared. Apparently, the deer had stood their ground and chased her away. She never went after deer again, though squirrels and chip-chips (chipmunks) were never safe from chasing. Her full name was Lots of Luv Feld’s Our Girl Margaret, aka Maggie, Maggie D. Moose, Phat Dog, Moose-butt, Fuzzbucket, The Great and Powerful Moose-Dog, and more I can’t remember. She loved to play tug, snuggle, and go for walks. Maggie was the friendliest, funniest, most stubborn, and sweetest dog I’ve ever known. She had a sense of humor and knew when one of her family was upset and tried to comfort them with head in the lap and kisses. We’ll never stop missing her.